トゥルー・グリット True Grit



前半の敵を追う旅に出るまでのところは,すごくよかったですね。 殺された父の財産を整理し,その父が死んだことをいいことにぼったくろうとする人と,14歳のマティとのやり取り。 すごくよかったです。 14歳で取り残された女の子一人が,残された家族のために少しでも有利に生活の糧を得ようとする必死さなどもすごくよく出ていたと思います。 またさすがアカデミー賞にノミネートされたというだけあって,ヘイリースタインフェルドはすごくいい演技をしていたと思います。 ちなみにこのヘイリースタインフェルドは,うちのヨメの近所のThausand Oaksの出身で,ヨメがかつて属していた劇団の出身だそうです。 ということもあり,かなり身内的な贔屓をしたいところです。

特に中盤以降はキャラクターに対しての興味を失ってしまいましたね…。 前半は,マティが引っ張っていくのですが,旅にでるとコグバーンがどちらかというと中心になってきて,ラビーフも加わり,ちょっと前半のような吸引力が失われた気がします。

DVDが出たらもう一度みてもいいかも…。 自分にとっては必見ではありませんねー。 見ないよりは見てよかった,という程度です。

ナルニア国物語/第3章:アスラン王と魔法の島 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader



冒頭の戦争の背景のシーンから絵の中に吸い込まれたりするところは,すごくイマジネーションもありよかったですね。 エドモンドが徴兵に志願するところなどは,彼の勇敢さを表現していますし,ルーシーが現実的な女の子の側面を見せ始めていたのも,彼らの成長がかいま見られてよかったと思います。 またネズミとはいえ勇敢で騎士の気概もあるリープチープもよかったと思います。

でも意図的にディズニーっぽさを残してるのでは?というシーンがいくつかありました。 リープチープのキャラクターやいとこのユースチスをいなすところなどは,コミカルに描かれていて,ちょっとわざとらしいかな〜という印象でした。 またカスピアン王は前作よりかなり時間が経っているにも関わらず,あまり威厳がなくちょっと背伸びしている若者という印象でした。 このへんはちょっと残念ですね〜。

最後のシーンはアスランも出てくるのですが,波の向こうへリープチープと共に消えて行くところなどは「ロードオブザリング」を彷彿させるかたちです。 もちろん「ロード…」ほど深く感動もしませんが…。 両作の原作者,トールキンとルイスは同じバーでアイデアを持ち寄っていたというので,多少似てくるのも仕方ないのかな???

もう一回見てみたいとは思いますね。 なにせ飛行機の中で見てたので,大きいスクリーンで見たらまた違う感想になるのかも知れません。 それとナルニア自体あんまりファンじゃないっていうのも大きいかな…。

Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami

I am writing my little note here to express my appreciation to those who has been ver supportive and kind to me since the earthquake happened in Japan. Please forgive my grammar mistakes and bad writing.

About one week ago, a M9.0 earthquake hit the Tohoku area of Japan. When that happened, I was at an office of my agent attending a reception for coming event. First notice was sent by my younger brother by e-mail saying "that was big earthquake" in a simple sentence. Growing up in Japan, earthquake is not rare and you get a quite often. So, I did not take it so seriously. I honestly thought "ok, what's new about it? Maybe a little bigger than usual this time" But I was wrong it was much bigger than usual.

But other people at the reception started asking me if everything was ok in Japan. And I checked Yahoo Japan. Then, I learned how serious that was. After that, I was on the phone for the whole evening trying to get hold of my family. I believe that servers and phone lines had been extremely busy and I could not get hold of them until late night. Finally I got hold of my older brother at 1:30am. It took him over 5 hours from central Tokyo (or 7 hours?) to his home. But I was glad that he did not walk because that would've been very dangerous to do so in darkness.

From all the information resources, such as the internet and news, information given focused on the worst part of the disaster. All it was left was for me to guess the size of the damages in where my family and friends are. And of course under that kind of circumstances, your imagination goes wild to the worse case scenario.

I was very fortunate that I had been in Taiwan at the time, since there was a TV channel that kept showing NHK (National TV channel in Japan) for the whole time. I could learn what was happening almost on time. And there were many other channels in Chinese following the news.
Also, whenever my family went online, I could see them on my computer. If I was in Los Angeles, the information on it would have been very limited (now I am back in LA and yes amount of information is so much less), and because of time difference, it would've been hard to chat with them online.

What I grateful the most last one week is, there are so many people who gave me their kind words and prayers. I cannot express myself enough how grateful I am. When I was sitting in my hotel room by myself watching news, there are some moments that I had tears in my eyes by reading peoples prayers on Facebook, text messages and e-mails sent to me.
People from all over the world sent me messages, such as UK, US, Russia, Malta, South Africa, Taiwan, Canada, China, and so on. And on a street in Taipei, there were some people watching TV news and they gave some very touching words in their limited Japanese or English vocabulary. The receptionist at my hotel, taxi driver, waitress at a restaurant etc etc. And many of Taiwanese people still remember that the Japanese government helped with the Self-Defense force when they had a big earthquake a little over 10 years ago. During my last trip to Taiwan, I had a very touching and valuable experience that I will never forget.

What I also want to mention is that I realized how hard to live apart from your family and friends. My usual attitude is very relaxed and I feel I can always go back and meet them. But this time was different.
Even if I wanted and needed to go there, there was nothing I could've done. Or it could've ended exactly opposite from what I would intend to do. If I did go back to Japan to help my family and friends, I would've consumed more food, drink and electricity, which that is what they want to save the most. And I might have been stuck and not being able to fly out from Tokyo.
So, I did experience true meaning of the word "powerless"....

Of course, I was not in Japan and did not experience the earthquake and after shocks, inconvenience of not having train system, lack of food and power. Words cannot describe enough how hard that would be. But I am not the one who is experiencing it. But I feel the pain and fear of radiation, and frustration in inconvenience of life. All I can do is to worry them from the other side of the ocean, and cheer them up.
Gambare Nippon!! Gambare Nippon!! Gambare Nippon!! (meaning hang in there, Japan)

There was one comment that stays in my mind with very strong impression.
It was from a viewer of NHK news, and it says "the size of the damage from this earthquake is the worst in the history, so we need the biggest amount of love and support to beat it" This is almost literal translation, but I hope you get an idea. Yes, I agree with it, and that's what Japan needs!